I talk to everyone. Cultivating trust and breaking down the possibility of judgment, I become the student while those I interview are my teachers.

This unlocks access into new worlds. In refugee camps and halls of power, desert and forest villages and urban neighborhoods, I learn from fighters, generals, ex-violent extremists, sex workers, orphans, police officers, teachers, big businessmen, powerful authorities, leaders on the ground and international officials.


In many settings and across several continents, I have sought to expand possibilities for peace in these ways:

  • Peacebuilder

    Design & assess peacebuilding programs; coordinate high-level meetings on peace and stabilization; facilitate workshops. I cultivate inclusion, follow avenues of opportunity and discord, and always search for breakthroughs.

  • Diplomacy

    Experienced negotiator & peacebuilding strategist. I have served as a back-channel diplomat between governments and with opposing parties to surface common interests and unravel discord.

  • Youth Specialist

    Gauge the perspectives and priorities of alienated, excluded female & male youth, and develop custom responses. I focus on gender and class dynamics and track how a youth becomes an adult woman or man (and what happens if they fail).

  • Field Researcher and Evaluator

    Use trust-based methods to uncover previously overlooked or unknown issues. Evaluate programs in the context of exclusion to assess impacts on participants and those without access.

  • Violent Extremism and CVE Expert

    Author of seminal report on youth and CVE, Led major African research workshop on CVE. Focus on East, Central, West and Southern Africa; and Yemen.

  • Education in Emergencies Expert

    Assess Education in Emergency populations and programs, focusing on teachers and out-of-school children and youth. I probe possibilities and barriers for learners and systems and apply insights to program reforms.


  • Certificates of Appreciation (2): U.S. Department of State, 2017

  • Honorable Mention: Senior Book Prize: American Ethnological Society, 2016

  • Certificate of Appreciation: U.S. Department of State, 2016

  • Honorable Mention: Ogot Book Prize; African Studies Asc. , 2013

  • Fellow: Society for Applied Anthropology, 2007

  • Mellon Foundation-MIT Program on NGOs and Forced Migration, 1998, 2005-2006

  • Margaret Mead Award: Society for Applied Anthropology and the American Anthropological Association, 2003 

  • Social Science Research Council, 2000-2002

  • Ford Foundation Research Enhancement Grant, 1996

  • Distinguished Paper Prize: Committee on Refugee Issues, American Anthropological Association, 1993

  • Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Grant, 1993-94

  • Rotary Foundation Graduate Scholar, 1990-92


  • Bellagio Center Academic Writing Residency, Rockefeller Foundation, 2019

  • Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2011-2012

  • Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow, U.S. Institute of Peace, 2009-2010

  • Social Science Research Council, 2000-2002

  • Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, 1989

  • Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship, 1987-90